Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/list.php:1) in /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/class.dz_rtf_create.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/list.php:1) in /home/dzucker/public_html/amtgard/games/class.dz_rtf_create.php on line 180
{\rtf1{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm ;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm ;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Bold.afm;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 fonts/Times-Roman.afm;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red51\green102\blue154;}{\*\generator dz_rft_create;}\f0\f1\cf2\fs32 \b \ul Amoeba Tag\ul0 \b0 \par
\cf1\f2\fs18 \i Origin \b Alona Two-Trees, e-sam\b0 Entered by Azus\i0 \par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Created on\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 2010-02-07 14:19:01\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Modified\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 2010-02-07 14:19:01\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Class\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 Militia\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Lives\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 See rules\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Count\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 No count\par
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Reeves\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Materials\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Setup\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Rules\b0 \par
\cf1\f4\fs18 Divide everybody into 2-man teams. Teammates must remain in contact the entire time! Teams run around trying to beat the other\par
teams. Every time a team defeats another team, the defeated team joins the victorious team. If this is done as a class battle, the class\par
abilities are only usable by the person playing that class and level. Abilities do not become shared. The game ends when everyone is\par
on the same team!
\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Victory\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Misc\b0 \par
\cf1\f3\cf2\fs24 \b Variations\b0 \par
\cf1\fs20 \par