Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal
Filter: scBony CLS
Gain: 100
offset: 50
binning: 1
Date: 10April2021
Exposure: 300 Seconds - 2 1/2 minutes
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in
Leo Triplet 257 visits
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Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal
Filter: svBony CLS
Gain: 100
offset: 50
binning: 1
Date: 11April2021
Exposure: 450 Seconds - 7 1/2 minutes
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in
Leo Triplet 269 visits
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Camera: ZWO ASI294mc
Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal
Filter: svBony UHC
Gain: 250
offset: 20
binning: 2
Date: 18April2021
Exposure: 600seconds
Camera: ZWO ASI294mc
Telescope: svBony sv503 80mm x 540mm focal length
Filter: svBony uhc
Gain: 150
offset: 15
binning: 1
Date: assorted ending 12March2022
Barlow/Reducer: 2x
Exposure: assorted, 180-450seconds
My light pollution correction was crap. Didn't help the moon was big and bright getting the images! Clouds permitting, I need to gather more data.
Camera: ZWO ASI294mc
Telescope: svBony sv503 80mm x 540mm focal length
Filter: svBony UHC & CLS
Gain: 150
offset: 15
binning: 2
Date: 4Apr2023, 2April2023
Barlow/Reducer: 0.8
Exposure: 180s, 300s, 450s
1st try, not very good!
Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal
Filter: ICE Lipo
Gain: 225
offset: 110
binning: 3
Date: 06Sept2020
Exposure: 45seconds
2nd try!
Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal
Filter: ICE LIPO
Gain: 200
offset: 120
binning: 1
Date: 29Oct2020
Exposure: 300seconds
Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: svBony 60mm x 240mm focal Guidescope
Gain: 62
offset: 102
binning: 1
Date: 2Nov2020
Exposure: 120seconds
1st try!
telescope: 240mm guidescope
camera: asi178mc
Camera: ZWO ASI178mc
Telescope: svBony 60mm x 240mm focal Guidescope
Filter: scBony CLS
Gain: 150
offset: 0
binning: 2
Date: 5Dec2020
Exposure: 300seconds