This was sold as Captain Kidd's ship, the Black Falcon: Kit.
I had a question about planking pattern, started looking around. Found a couple of slight problems:
1: the model in question has elements of ships built in the mid 1800s. Kidd was hung in 1701.
2: Kidd's ship was the Adventure Galley. He captured the Quedagh Merchant, renamed the Adventure Prize.
So I bought some books on rigging, reworked the kit. This is a completely fictitious ship (well, so was the Back Falcon!), but a reasonable representation of a ship from 1625: still has the spiritsail topsail, lateen sail, simpler riggin on the lateen sail, no jibs nor staysails.
Many years ago my brother Mark did quite a bit of artwork; managed to get some saved
A close approach of Saturn and Jupiter. From Earth, the orbits of their moons overlap - though most of their moons are too faint for my litle telescope to see.