dzucker's images


Camera: ZWO ASI178mc Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal Gain: 0 offset: 0 binning: 1 Date: 1Jun2020 Exposure: 0.007seconds
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 230 visits Login to post comments

Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 229 visits Login to post comments

Did this with a hydrogen-alpha filter for shits and grins Camera: ZWO ASI178mc Filter: svBony halpha Gain: 250 offset: 0 binning: 1 Date: 27Nov2020 Exposure: 0.029seconds
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 201 visits Login to post comments

Camera: ZWO ASI294mc Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal Gain: 200 offset: 20 binning: 1 Date: 20Feb2021 Exposure: 0.001seconds
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 213 visits Login to post comments

Date: 20Feb2021 exposure -??? You get to see the dark side of the moon, lit by Earthlight!
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 192 visits Login to post comments

Copernicus Crater

Not the best focus, I'm afraid. Summer nights are late and I got started before many stars were out! software: oaCapture and AStrosurface? Camera: ZWO ASI178mc Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal Filter: svbony CLS I think Gain: 255 offset: 50 binning: 1 Date: 23May2021 Barlow/Reducer: 3x Exposure: 50ms
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 205 visits Login to post comments

Copernicus Crater

Not the best focus, I'm afraid. Summer nights are late and I got started before many stars were out! software: oaCapture and AStrosurface? Camera: ZWO ASI178mc Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal Filter: svbony CLS I think Gain: 255 offset: 50 binning: 1 Date: 23May2021 Barlow/Reducer: 3x Exposure: 50ms
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 194 visits Login to post comments

Tycho Crater

mostly sure of these stats: software: oaCapture and AStrosurface? Camera: ZWO ASI178mc Telescope: Tasco 114mm x 900mm focal Filter: svbony CLS I think Gain: 255 offset: 50 binning: 1 Date: 23May2021 Barlow/Reducer: 3x Exposure: 50ms
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in Luna 197 visits Login to post comments

Camera: ZWO ASI294mc Telescope: svBony sv503 80mm x 540mm focal length Filter: Optolong lExtreme Gain: 150 offset: 15 binning: 1 Date: 2022-02-06 Barlow/Reducer: 0.8 Exposure: 450seconds
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in IC 443 203 visits Login to post comments

Combination of last years image (450second exposures at bin1) and Feb 2023 (180second at bin2)(oops! meant to click on 300 second!) Camera: ZWO ASI294mc Telescope: svBony sv503 80mm x 540mm focal length Filter: Optolong lExtreme Gain: 150 offset: 15 binning: 2 Date: 2022-02-06 (450sec@bin1); 2023-02-12 (180sec@bin2) Barlow/Reducer: 0.8 Exposure: (450sec@bin1); (180sec@bin2)
Uploaded on Sun, 08/04/2024 - 23:03 by dzucker in IC 443 185 visits Login to post comments
