Royal Gorge, 2004 2014-09-19 23:28:19

Royal Gorge (Order? What's "in order"????)

Awwww, cute little bug..... (well, not that little...)

Switchback Trail, looking northeast

From Jacks Jump Trail, overlooking lake, ummm...... well Royal Gorge's fancy iteractinve online trailmap doesn't name that lake...

From Sterling Canyon Trail

Sterling Canyon, downstream

Sterling Canyon, upstream

Castle Peak

If people can't figure out whos me & whos dad, well......

Royal Gorge

Palisade Peak

Tahoe Donner (In approximately the same order as RG....)

Prosser Creek at Coyote Hut

Cow press. If you know what it is, shut up. Anyone else stick your ideas next page.....

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