Hope Valley 2014-09-19 23:36:19

Skiing in Hope Valley, CA. Hope Valley is located south of Lake Tahoe, on the east side of Carson Pass.

misc stuff

the price of gas up there.

the lodge had an outdated restaurant & business.

fish addiction

View from the car of Nevada

Crater Lake

From the road, this is a 1200' climb in ~ 2.2 miles (average 10% grade - thats not the grade going straight up the mountain!) The weather started decent, at the top, well...

Picketts Peak and Hawkins Peak

The lake's up there

Soon after this photo, the wind and snow picked up. I should have gotton a photo of that, but if you stare at a piece of paper you'll get the idea.

Our tracks disapeared very quickly (less than an hour later)

Burnside Lake

A rather easier trip to Burnside lake - but there were too many trees to see the lake. Sunny skies and good view though.

Views of Creater Lake and Carson Pass

Hawkins creek in the right image

Looking north to Luther Pass

Sierra Crest Trail - Carson Pass to Meiss Lake

The Sierra Crest Trail intersects HWY 88 just west of Carson Pass. While the ranger said the trail was blazed (by himself, in 1802), we, nor the other skiers, not the snowshoers, nor... could find any blazes. That resulted in a few times of backtracking, at least the maps were accurate!

From the parking lot

That's Lake Tahoe out there - this photo killed my batteries, the the reminaing 1.5 miles, the cabins, the cornice, are all left to your imagination.

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